Hair is a tough, hard filament that extends from the skin’s surface. It’s mostly made of dead, keratinized (kair-tih-nis-tihz) flat cells that are arranged in a rope-like manner.
Each follicle is attached to a sebaceous gland, which produces oil called sebum (say: sih-BAY-shuss). Sebum naturally protects hair and moisturizes the skin. Click the to learn more.
Hair is a thin, flexible structure that grows out of the skin of all mammals. It is made of a protein called keratin. Each hair has a shaft that sticks out of the skin and a root that is attached to a tiny pit known as a follicle (FAHL-ih-kul). The follicle gets nutrients from a blood vessel that runs underneath it. As the follicle grows, new cells form, grow and then harden, which is how hair forms. The hard, outer layer you can see is called the cuticle (KYOO-tih-kul). Behind it are softer, more living layers, the cortex and the medulla.
How does it grow?
Like horns and nails, hair grows from tiny pores in your skin called follicles (fuh-LIEK-sis). The root of the hair starts at the bottom of the follicle, where cells are living. The root gets nourishment from blood vessels in the scalp, which causes it to grow. As it grows, the cells at the base of the root die and harden, creating a rod of tissue that is now called a hair.
The rod of tissue moves upward, pushing old cells out of the skin. As it moves up, the cell is cut off from its nourishment and starts to harden, a process known as keratinization (kair-tih-nuh-ZAY-shun). This creates the protein that makes up the hair shaft.
Each hair strand contains dead keratin cells. As the strand pushes up through the skin, it passes an oil gland, called a sebaceous gland (say: seh-BAY-shun), along the way. The oil made in this gland keeps your hair shiny and soft. It also helps the strand resist damage from heat or chemicals. This is why your hair doesn’t hurt when it gets cut with a pair of scissors.
What is the best way to care for your hair?
The best way to care for your hair is to follow a routine that works with your scalp and hair type. This will help keep your hair nourished, soft and healthy and prevent breakage and hair fall. It is also important to eat a well balanced diet that includes protein, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin A and C, zinc and copper.
You should wash your hair regularly with shampoo and conditioner that work for your hair type. Choose a moisturizing shampoo for dry hair or a clarifying shampoo for oily hair. Remember to use lukewarm water when washing your hair, hot water can strip the natural oils that protect and condition your hair. After you shampoo, use a conditioning treatment that is right for your hair type, like a detangling product for tangled hair or a leave-in conditioner for added shine.
Washing your hair too often can damage it and strip the natural oils from your scalp, so try to wash it only every other day or every three days. It also helps to use a dry shampoo in between washes to help soak up extra oil and keep your hair from getting too dirty. Regular scalp massages will help stimulate blood circulation and promote a healthier hair.